
Showing posts from August, 2011

La Ultima Semana

The last week in upon me. When I started my trip I didn´t ever really think this day would come. It was a distant amorphous event, kind of like how the US government views paying off it´s debt. A supercommittee? Seriously? Anyway, my travel is ending where it started in Buenos Aires, which is fitting in a way. My life has been quite fast paced for the last month with the exception of today where the only things I have done are eat, play piano, read, and use the internet. But I am ok with my trip ending. It´s time to come back. I am reading a book that says the fundamental thing in life is to balance your production with your capacity to produce. A workaholic focuses on production and neglects his own body and mental well-being leading to an inevitable ¨burn out¨ just as a car that isn´t maintained will break-down. The perpetual student or perpetual traveler is just the opposite, always increasing their capacity to produce, but never putting it to any use. So far in my life I have been