
Showing posts from March, 2018

An Indian Wedding - Guest blog by Julianne

India, a country of 1.2 Billion. Yes, 1.2 BILLION! Over 3 times the size of the US and only surpassed by China which currently sits at 1.4B. This is important fact to set the tone, because a country this large is a hard thing to even imagine and it wasn’t until I went to India, that I started to fully grasp the number of people it has. Put all of US, Canada and Europe together, it’s ______ - that equals India!  Indian weddings are known worldwide as something of great extravagance. I’ll set the tone for the one I attended. Indian weddings can be love marriages or arranged marriages. This one was an arranged marriage. Having an arranged marriage does not mean that either party is forced into it, it generally means both parties let their parents know their parents that they are interested in getting married. The parents will then start arranging introductions to other children from *good* families who are ready also ready to get married. After a few meetings, the two people