
Showing posts from October, 2009

Delayed update

Thursday: Hung out on campus and went to the church on top of the pyramid. I have some amazing photos. That night I played 7 v 7 soccer in an arena with Munchi and some of his buddies. The average Mexican is pretty good at soccer, but I held my own despite wearing tennis shoes. That night they had a surprise going away party for me. Unfortunately, I arrived to my own party about 90 minutes late because of the soccer game. In my rush, I ordered the first drink on the menu called the Bambuko (which was also the name of the bar). I figured if a drink is the name of the bar it's a good bet. Hands down, this was the WORST drink I have ever had. It had tobasco sauce and a chili pepper stick in it. It was like a horrible version of a bloody mary. Like a champ though, I drank it down and went with Gilda to Rocka. Friday: Last day. Slow morning due to the night before. Played some street basketball with some exchange students and Mexicans (played alright), and then went to the UDLA varsity