Easter with Blockers

Easter with the Blockers was great. Every time I’ve been to Hayward’s Heath it’s the same routine that I love. 

Morning: Spend 2 hours slowly eating breakfast and reading the paper. There are occasional outbursts from the Blocker clan lamenting the news. David will eventually settle into the crossword puzzle, which he can finish surprisingly quickly. Here is Oliver feeding Karis during breakfast. Quite a contrast in sizes.
Afternoon: At some point after all puzzles in the newspaper have been solved and all stories read, there will be talk of taking a walk. Usually, there will be a two hour window from the time the walk is announced until the time it actually happens. The walk will be a pleasant one in the English country side.
On Saturday instead of doing a walk, we decided to go to a Dulwich Hamlet soccer game. Unfortunately, Jack had broken his ankle, but Karis was there to save the day:

Evening: After the walk, everyone will be clamoring for tea and many will also begin drinking beer, aka the grandfather specialty. Following a lengthy dinner, there will be a few more beers and conversation, but usually everyone is tucked into bed around before 11 pm.

If you ever go to visit the Blockers, make sure to fly into Gatwick airport. It is only a 15 minute train ride from Gatwick airport to their house and door to door can be done in about 40 minutes. The highlight of the trip was the adult Easter Egg hunt. All adults had to wait patiently inside while Oliver hid about 150 eggs in the back garden. I was impressed with his creativity as a hider, although I am certain some eggs were not discovered.

Anyway, it was nice to have some family time for Easter.


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