Bachata y Cueros

What up. I am using the slowest keyboard I have ever seen. I type and it appears several seconds later. Anyway, I am in Santo Domingo right now. We found a nice little hotel and we are paying about $23 dollars each per night. Santo Domingo is a real city and it is NICE. I thought that the DR was a third world country when I was in PUerto Plata, but Santo Domingo is very nice. IT is actually the oldest city in the New World. Christopher Colombus set up shop in Santo Domingo when he mossied on over from Spain in 1492. Therefore the city has lots of history because its 500 plus years old. We walked for about 5 hours today through the Zona COlonial, along the Malecon and up into the surrounding residential barios. Tonight there is a possibility that we are going to go to a DJ Tiesta concert but we´ll see. DJ tiesta is one of the biggest techno artists in the world... but he´s Dutch so not that cool on the whole. Our friends back in Santiago hoooked us up with some people they knew in Santo Domingo so we went out with them last night to what can only be described as the ¨Strip.¨ We changed our plans and are no longer going to PUerto Rico because it would just be too chaotic, so I come back on MOnday. MOnday is official going to be the longest day ever because I leave from the DR on a 7 am flight, I go to Puerto Rico and layover, go to New York and layover, and eventually get into SEATAC at 11 45 pm at which point I will have to take the KINg county transit back to the frat, only to have 8 hours of school on Tuesday. GOod stuff, ok I have to get going and I will update more when I get a better keyboard. Cuidense.


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