
Showing posts from September, 2012


Salamanca was actually the second city we visited, so I'm not really sure why it didn't get published until now. Anyway, after Guijuelo (Shelton) we went to Salamanca (Olympia), where Sandra is currently going to school. The first thing that Sandra pointed out to me was the Roman bridge in the town center, which is from the 1st century. Yes, the first century. Do you realize how old that is? The Golden Gate Bridge is only 75 years old. Europe is old like that. The west coast can't compete. Here is the main church, which I don't understand how they could construct without machines. Kudos to them.  We decided to be tourists and pay the 3 euros to take the church tour. Actually pretty cool as you got to ascend within the church in tight spiral staircases to platforms above the city. Afterwards, we went tapeando (verb of eating tapas) in La Plaza de Salamanca, which is judged by many as the nicest plaza in all of Spain. In my opinion, it was significantly 


A month later, I realized that I never completed two outstanding postings for Spain: Granada and Salamanca. So here they are.  After Barcelona and Palariac, we caught a flight to Granada with Vueling. Vueling is WAY better than EasyJet in case you are wondering. You have legit seats that recline and they didn't hassle us about our carry on back size. In Granada we checked into an amazing hostel that had views of the Alhambra and a nice mix of Arabic and Spanish architecture. This entry is going to be photo heavy.  First off, Granada is friggin HOT. This dog is a genious and jumped straight into the fountain. I wanted to do the same.  Drinking Alhambra beer at the Alhambra. For most tourists, this is the only reason they go to Granada. We went to Granada because we wanted to eat lots and lots of tapas, but we were in the minority. The Alhambra is a palace that has Arabic architecture and is quite stunning. Getting tickets was an ordeal. They sold out of online tickets

nosotros... de Sandra

probablemente aquí estén todas las fotos que Taylor no ha querido subir hasta ahora porque eran demasiado personales... well, there we go... aquí se puede ver todo, todo y todo!  aquí empezó nuestra increible aventura, en madrid, horas después de Taylor llegara al aeropuerto...  días después, pudo admirar mi aspecto más sexy con este traje de charra salmantina que llevo poniéndome 20 años de mi vida... oh la lá! como dirían algunos...  tapeando por primera vez en España, en las casetas de guijuelo esta es una de las fotos más 'bonite' de salamanca, en medio de un día en el que nos asombreamos todo lo que pudimos... esta foto fue sacada por unas españolas (según taylor unas portuguesas) en lisboa, después de recorrer muuuuuuuuchos kilometros en bici y justo antes de comer uno de los 3000 pasteles de nata que comimos durante esos dias... creo que esta foto se lleva el premio a la mejor foto... si??? no??? para gustos...los colores  la comida ha sido uno