
Salamanca was actually the second city we visited, so I'm not really sure why it didn't get published until now. Anyway, after Guijuelo (Shelton) we went to Salamanca (Olympia), where Sandra is currently going to school. The first thing that Sandra pointed out to me was the Roman bridge in the town center, which is from the 1st century. Yes, the first century. Do you realize how old that is? The Golden Gate Bridge is only 75 years old. Europe is old like that. The west coast can't compete. Here is the main church, which I don't understand how they could construct without machines. Kudos to them. 

We decided to be tourists and pay the 3 euros to take the church tour. Actually pretty cool as you got to ascend within the church in tight spiral staircases to platforms above the city.

Afterwards, we went tapeando (verb of eating tapas) in La Plaza de Salamanca, which is judged by many as the nicest plaza in all of Spain. In my opinion, it was significantly better than the plaza in Madrid.
Salamanca University has a very nice campus.
I realized in Spain that if you just drink one type of drink the entire night your hangover is WAY less than mixing. I stuck with Gin Tonics most nights and felt great in the morning. They give you large glasses too, unlike bars in San Francisco.
A little row boat action on the river running through Salamanca. Thanks to my experience on water in the Puget Sound I was able to row fairly competently. The majority of the clowns out there had no idea what to do and spun in circles.
View back of the city. Pretty impressive. Don't worry about me being in a boat out of water, it's artistic.
Woo, now I'm all caught up on my blog. Looks like I better go on another vacation.


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