Wrappin' Up

Well things seem to be winding to a close which is sad. We had our last soccer game on Saturday and after the game to wish me goodbye, the team made a circle around me and we jumped around and yelled and they pushed me around the circle like a pin ball. We won our last game 5-0 by the way. It seems like our team really came around in the end after a difficult begining of the season. We are having an awards night on Thursday so that will officially be the end. I got really close to a lot of the guys on the soccer team and they took me right in as the token foreign guy. Things have to end though I guess. Another example of things ending is that my sister is getting her driver's license in under 30 days which will end the safety of everyone else traveling on the roads. Last night we had the goodbye party for the exchange students, which was amazingly fun, but when they played a slideshow of photos from the quarter it seemed to sink in to everyone that things are coming to a close. Although I will be here until January 2nd, classes end this week so after that I probably won't see a lot of the people I have been accostumed to seeing. I'll still see my close friends because I'll invite them over, but there is that group of people who are your aquantances that you'll miss. I had an pretty busy social schedule this week. I went out Thursday to the graduation party of all of the graduating seniors, Friday to a Jamican beach themed party at that apartment with the pool/fire pole that we tried to get way back when, and last night was the Gala or goodbye party for the exchange students. Life still goes on with out my computer. I get my charger next Tuesday. Although it has been a huge pain in the ass, it has shown me how dependent I was on my computer so a small dosis of no computer is good. I won two awards at the Goodbye party. Apparently people thought that I was the person that ate the most meat so I got the T-Rex award, and I also got the Public Relations award for the person that organized the most parties. Both awards are somewhat undeserved as I only threw two parties and I didn't even eat that much meat, people just had the perception that I did. The two parties were pretty legendary though so I can see where they are coming from.
This week I've got to hunker down and do some good solid studying as the first wave of finals comes splashing in. Ok, well, I believe that is about it. Give me some updates I haven't heard anything for a while.


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