
First a random fact before I jump in with things: The Peacekeeper, below, was a MIRVed missile developed by the United States during the Cold War. Each rocket could carry up to 10 re-entry vehicles, each armed with a 300 kiloton warhead (twenty times the power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima during World War II). The reason I share this is that I think its awesome that we named the most destructive weapon ever developed by mankind that was 200 times stronger than the bomb used on Hiroshima The Peacekeeper. Here's another picture of the testing they did that shows how it delivered 10 different 300 kiloton payloads to 10 different targets.

I finished with school today. I turned in my two essays, one on the roots and end of the Cold War, and the other on comparing Reagan's Rollback policy to the policy of Containment in the first years of the Cold War. In the end both reports ended up being 10 pages each double spaced and I devoted two days of my existence on this earth to their creation. At any rate, I officially begin vacation and the next 10 days are mine to fritter away as I see fit.. I currently have tentative plans to go to the beach for the weekend tomorrow (Mar del Plata). Thus, my career as a student at San Andrés is ended. Here is one last tribute:


MZ said…
Congratulations, Taylor. Another chapter in your life's story has come to a close.

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