America, los piramides y 2 ecuatorianos

On Sunday we had a relaxing morning and at around 1 pm we went to Paulina's uncles house. Saturday is for friends and Sunday is for family. It was a nice patio tucked between two buildings with about 20 people who were all related. Uncles, grandmothers, grandchildren, husbands, wives, and one gringo that nobody knew. No it was fun, they all joked around with me and had me try every kind of food and wanted to know my opinion. I had this great soup with beans and cilantro and some sort of delicious meat thing, so I asked what it was and they said "fried pork skin". It was less delicious then but still very good. We left at around 3:30 pm to go to the Estadio Azteca because Pepe (dad) had gotten football tickets after he learned I was a soccer fan. The stadium was absolutely massive (it fits 130,000) people. The stadium was only about 1/3 full because America (the best team) was playing a team that had been struggling all season. The tickets were only 100 pesos and were about 30 rows up at about the 18 yard box. 100 pesos is like 8 dollars. America smashed the other team, Estudiantes, 5-0 but it was exciting to see so many quality goals. I have photos but I forgot my camera cable so I'll put them up after I get back. Yesterday, I went to Teotihuacan or los piramides. Paulina had to go back to school for classes Monday and Tuesday and so i wanted to be out of the family's hair and a day trip seemed like a good option. I took public transportation there which took about 2.5 hours and cost $2.50. Another $4 dollars to get in (I tried to use the student discount move again but they said I had to be enrolled in Mexican school), and I was at the pyramids. The two biggest ones are the Pyramid of Sun and of the Moon and they are very impressive. The Pyramid of the Sun is the third largest Pyramid in the world and they let you climb to the top, which is not that easy at Mexico City's elevation of 2200 meters. I happily wandered around the pyramids (even tried to sketch one) for about 2 hours. The amount of vendors trying to sell you shitty souvenoirs is a sight within itself. Anway, just as I was preparing to leave I offered to take the picture of two Ecadorians that wanted a picture together. We started talking as we were walking and became friends. I accompanied them for the remainder of the time and they had hired a personal guide, which was nice. They hadn't gone up the Pyramid of Sun, so I did it again. Why not? They had a car so I went and had lunch with them, and they gave me a ride back to D.F. They were both engineers that had come to Mexico City for a conference. They were cool and there were only a few differences of culture. For example, one of them was explaining to me that he lives near the jungle and that there are boas. That was fine, but he went on to say that boas hypnotize their prey and that if you look into the eyes of a hungry boa, it draws you in and in you involuntarily walk towards it. I don't know much about boas, but i find this very difficult to believe. They also asked me what drugs I had tried and were disappointed when I hadn't tried heroin, cocaine, or escasty. There were cool and we watched the last part of the Federer versus Del Potro final. Paulina is coming back for the festivities tonight for the 199 anniversary of the Independence of Mexico. I think I am going to relax until then and I have been helping the Mom, Adriana, get the food ready for tonight. Later.


MZ said…
Love this blog, man. Just love it.

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