Uno, dos, tres, ZAFO

Alright, once again a very long time between updates. Let's go for the weekly recap.
Sunday: Woke up no feeling so hot and Paulina informed me that we were going for a road trip in 10 minutes. I got myself together and grabbed a stack of crackers and apple juice for breakfeast. We went to the house of one of their friends where two guys were in the midst of eating mushrooms ("champis" or "angus" in Spanish). Apparently the road trip was going to be me and Paulina taking these two Mexicans for a road trip while they tripped. It's funny that Mexicans also call it "un trip" or "un viaje". The plan was just to drive into the country and find a nice tranquil spot for these two guys. Apparently you don't want a lot of commotion when you take "champis". We drove for an hour into the middle of nowhere and found this little lake. We parked the car and walked down to the lake and shot the shit for like 3 hours while these guys enjoyed their viaje. It was pretty entertaining to fuck with them. At one point one of them found a stick that strangely resembled a troll. After 3 hours we were ready to go so we said goodbye to the troll and left for a Chicken restaurnt. Two chicken carcasses later we headed home and it was already late afternoon. Watched "Shaun of the Dead" ate dinner and went to sleep again having accomplished absolutely nothing the entire day, and it never felt so good.
Monday: Crap, what did I do on Monday. Oh well.
Tuesday: Ok, I know what I did Monday and Tuesday. I just hung out on campus all the day taking with exchange students and Mexicans in the main hang out area by the fountain. I learned how to play touch rugby, which is much more enjoyable than non-touch rugby I reckon. Everyone here thinks I am an exchange student because I speak Spanish and I am always about. This past week has been me living the life of an UDLA student.
Wednesday: Great day. We left for another road trip (this time no "champis) and headed towards Popo or the volcano that looms in the background of the city. It was me, Paulina, Pedro, Adela, and Munch. I don't know Monch's real name although he is probably the guy have spent the most time with. After about 45 minutes of road driving (if you can call it a road with all the fucking baches ("pot holes") and topes ("speed bumps"), we got to a dirt road worse than the one in Bariloche for the Ruta de los Siete Lagos. We were on this road for about 3 hours. It would have been faster but we periodically stopped to look for "champis" growing naturally in the forest. Monch had a vast knowledge of which "champis" were good champis. It was a pretty surreal experience to be tromping through the forest in the middle of nowhere looking for champis. Anyway, we arrived at this little shack in the middle of the forest with a little sign that said Cascada (waterfall). The shack could have been in little house on the prarie. The floor was sawdust and the wind blew in between the loose slats of the walls. We ate lunch and went to the Cascada. Once again, totally alone in the middle of a creepy forest. We started talking about ghosts. When I talk about ghosts I do it for comedic purposes, I mean who actually believes in ghosts? Well, they do. One of them had a story of ghost touching his foot. They told me to make sure that if anyone ever dies, you have to cover up all the mirrors in the room so that the soul doesn't get confused and get trapped in the mirrors. That one is actually pretty freaky right? We left the waterfall and the topic turned to politics. Even though Mexico is one of the most advanced Latin American countries, it seemes as though its politics are plagued by some corruption. Also, the wealth dispersion seems to be very uneven. In the US everyone is middle class more or less. In Mexico the middle class is much smaller. But how can you fix this? If there were to be a leftist revolution would it be able to successfully redistribute the wealth in a fair way absent of corruption? The discussion then took a more global sense. Is it possible for humans to exist without someone being marginalized?
Alright, Paulina has just invited me to lunch so I'll continue this later.


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