
Showing posts from August, 2010

Mala Copa

Just wanted to check-in para que mama sepa que I'm safe. We took a pretty crazy road trip through Xalapa, Coatepec, Xico, and Veracruz. We got back last night. Today I have been trying to figure out how to get to Cuernavaca, which is where I will stay until Friday. On Friday, it appears that the same crew that took a road trip last weekend will be taking a road trip to Acapulco where Pedro has a sweet house. From Acapulco, I will go south to Puerto Escondido.


Strangely I don´t feel like blogging today, but I am in an internet cafe and have time to kill. Cholula has been very low key and mostly consists of me playing Mario on Super Ninentendo, practicing Spanish, and working on my Fulbright application by day, and by night going to house parties. There are a bunch of Brazilians here and it´s really fun to talk to them in a mixture of Spanish and Portuguese. Most of them arrived without having taken any Spanish classes, yet they are picking it up suprisingly well. I´ve gotten some invitations to visit them in Brazil, and I may have to accept. On the negative, I got a fever last night so I have been feeling super tired and all my muscles are sore despite my aforementioned lathargic activities. We´re going out tonight and tomorrow morning I am taking a road trip with Paulina and her boyfriend, and two gay guys. But it´s cool, cause they are dating. Should make for an intersting time, though. We´re going to Veracruz for the weekend, which is on

El Lunes

Leaving D.F. tomorrow and heading to Puebla to visit Paulina, Gilda, y Karla. Pretty chill day. I bought a novel in Spanish and Spanish grammar book for a total of $100 pesos or about USD $7. I´ve tried to begin studying but we´ll see how long I last. I was super ambitious and got the novel Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man, which is not an easy read. The historic district is super busy at all times. Stores compete in blaring their music over the noise of traffic and street vendors selling the most ridiculous stuff. A pen with 10 colores? Really? The best is when you get on the metro because these guys wear backpacks with stereos, blast music, and try to sell you pirated cd´s. I went to the Merced today, which is a retardedly large indoor flea market with narrow corridors and hanging merchandise that was not hung with a 6´3¨ gringo in mind. Getting to the Merced was more interesting than actually being there because I passed what appeared to be a area popular for prostitutes to attr

The drone... becomes... an... EXTRACTOR

Maybe I am cynical, but my experience in DF today has taught me that if someone comes up to you with a question, such as what time is it? Where are you from? Do you speak English (in English) or any combination of those three (basically Talk to Me!) they do not have good intentions and they are trying to scam you in some creative way. Today I felt like a d-bag because by the end of the day I simply would not talk to people that bothered me in the street. I know I am a gringo and white skin = stupid + money, but holy shit. Dejame tranquilo, sueltame en banda, no me molestes. Anyway, besides that, walking around DF for about 5 hours today was enjoyable. It was a Sunday so everyone was out strolling, eating ice cream, and generally being very cheerful. The hostel is definitley a party hostel and running like an well-oiled machine. At first I thought it was awesome that dinner is included in the price of the hostel as I have never seen that before, but now I understand it´s part of their b


HOla todos, I am in Mexico City, or D.F. as they call it, as of 15 hours ago. I hadn´t really planned for this trip, just kind of let it sneak up on me but everything has been going to plan so far. I somewhat procrastinated and didn´t even tell my debit card provider I was leaving the country until I was on the jetway in Houston about to leave. This is also the time I called peter asking for directions to my hostel. Thanks for answering man, that was clutch. But I made it. When I got into the metro to go the hostel (it´s called Amigo Hostel, which for all you gringos means Friend Hostel), I was suprised at how much I had forgotten what it´s like to travel in a Latin country. Basically, there are a retarded amount of people and sounds coming at you. People selling, begging, performing, singing, talking, eating, laughing, and various other gerunds. I am getting better at navigating though as I only had to ask two people for directions from the time I left the airport to the the time I ar