HOla todos,

I am in Mexico City, or D.F. as they call it, as of 15 hours ago. I hadn´t really planned for this trip, just kind of let it sneak up on me but everything has been going to plan so far. I somewhat procrastinated and didn´t even tell my debit card provider I was leaving the country until I was on the jetway in Houston about to leave. This is also the time I called peter asking for directions to my hostel. Thanks for answering man, that was clutch. But I made it. When I got into the metro to go the hostel (it´s called Amigo Hostel, which for all you gringos means Friend Hostel), I was suprised at how much I had forgotten what it´s like to travel in a Latin country. Basically, there are a retarded amount of people and sounds coming at you. People selling, begging, performing, singing, talking, eating, laughing, and various other gerunds. I am getting better at navigating though as I only had to ask two people for directions from the time I left the airport to the the time I arrived in my hostel. Last night I met up with a couchsurfer guy and we got drinks at a local spot. I was honestly a little sketched out when he led me away from the touristy area down some dark streets, but we ended up at a sweet bar. I trusted him because he was wearing sandals. If there is one thing i have learned over the years, it´s that criminals never wear sandals. At the bar we had pulque or pique or something that´s made from fermented aloe leaves. It was bomb diggity. Today I am just gonna cruise around and get my bearings. Paulina wanted me to call her so I´ll do that i guess. That´s all folks. The weather is shit.

-Señor Taylor


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