The Vote Heard 'Round the World
I voted today from Argentina. My parents sent me the ballot, I completed it, and dropped it off in the US embassy. Before going to the embassy I assumed it would be a little oasis of America but no. I had to speak Spanish to get into the place and I had to go through a security check point. Anyway, I am proud to say that I have voted, although being from Washington and with our beloved electorate college my vote doesn't make a whole hell of a lot of difference. Why the hell do we still have it? It makes the entire election become the decision of a dozen or so "battle ground" states. Just think, if we hadn't had it in 2000 we would have avoided the worst president in the history of the United States, according to some, George W. Bush. L.B. Johnson was pretty bad as well. So I handed the sealed envelope to the employee in the embassy and he said everything was good. But think, the employee could easily shred my envelope after I had left, or he could put it in a ...