Power Hour

So we had another party in our apartment. This time the theme was Power Hour. A Power Hour is when you have a playlist of 60 songs which you play for one minute each. After each song everyone says "shot" and takes a shot of beer. It's actually pretty difficult to make a good play list because you have to edit the songs so that it plays the best minute of the song. I made the playlist. I used a mix of American, Argentinean, and European songs so that everybody was happy. Since we had empty bottles left over from the last party we used those as our deposit for the beer we bought. In Argentina you are charged a deposit for every beer bottle you buy so that there is incentive to return the bottle to get the money back. So we returned 22 bottles of beer and bought 22 more. The guy behind us in line gave us a coupon of 15% because he couldn't use it. In the end, the price was 45 pesos or $15. I'm going to miss the insanely low prices when I go back to Seattle where it would be 30 12 oz cans for $15. Let me reiterate, 22 liters for $15. That's about 75 cents a liter! Anyway, as a consequence of having way too much booze I accidentally got myself obliterated. Not the good kind either, the way too much I feel sick kind. It was really pretty stupid. I normally do this about once or twice a year because I forget how shitty you feel and then I don't want to do it for a really long time. After I forget my lessons maybe 6 months later, the process repeats and I am once again reminded. I was in charge of going down in the elevator to let people in and so I made a little rule that I had to finish my glass before going down each time. Due to a severe miscalculation I ended up drinking myself under the table. I also made the fatal error of the triple threating (beer, wine, shots). Anyway, the party was a success (I think), however, my morning was not. I woke up with a hang over of monumental proportions and not even mate could save me. On top of that I had to go play a soccer game. The game was probably one of my worst showings ever. It was a hot day, I was dehydrated, the field was enormous, I was hung over, and we got 2 red cards and therefore only had 9 players. I have never been so tired. On the second to last play of the game, I got double calf cramps. The field was really hard too and it was difficult to manejar la pelota (maeneover the ball I guess is a good equivalent). That's all the excuses I can think of for now. I hope that my poor showing doesn't prevent me from starting in the next game.
I got my results back from my mid-terms. In my business case class I got a 7.5, in my Marketing class I got a 8.3, and in my international relations class I got a 10.0! I am really pleased with all my marks. In my Marketing class I took the test in Spanish, and out of the three foreigners in our class i got the best grade. One girl got a 5.5 and my roommate Alix got a 6.5. With the international relations class I took the test in English and I wonder if this may have had an effect on the grading. I did do all the readings and study my ass off but I find it hard to believe that my essay was perfect. It's like in ice skating, you should never get a 10 because you can always do it better. Ok, I'm tired. Check out the pictures in the link to the left if you haven't already. It's got a lot of stuff from Córdoba. Peace.


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