Rants and Raves

Really going in cold to this blog. Not even really sure why I'm attempting a post when I don't have anything to say, but I will find something. By the beard of Zeus, I will. So the one thing I have learned from my International Relations class is that the US is a huge dick when it comes to foreign policy. I will give one example. After the WWII when the world was hungry for peace, we risked all out conflict in Korea with China and possibly even the USSR. We provoked war with North Korea with 1,274 border infringements until they declared war on South Korea. North Korea had un-American interests at heart you see... they wanted to have a free and open election to decide their future. The US knew that the puppet-American governement that protected capitalism's investements didn't have popular backing and would lose. Therfore, the US refused North Korea's push for free open elections. Freedom for all, a motto that is so often touted, but only when it's convenient for us. Once the North declared war on South Korea, the US went to the UN, fabricated a story about the aggressive nature of North Korea in order to receive the UN stamp of approval so that American forces could be sent in under the veil of UN forces. To try to break the popular support in North Korea we utilized massive bombings of military and civilian areas alike, and shelled the coast. Luckily the leading American general McArthurer's plan to launch 30-50 atomic bombs in Korea and China was not approved. Basically the US didn't give a damn for anyone but themselves. What's sad, is that I am not convinced that we don't follow a similar policy today. For example, in Iraq "Shortly after the invasion in 2003, Baghdad's medical officials were forbidden to release morgue counts. In December of that year, Iraq's Health Ministry ordered a halt to counting civilian deaths and told its statistics department not to release figures, according to the Associated Press." What better way to avoid the tough questions of how many civilians are dying than to make it nearly impossible to know. But maybe the world needs dicks like US. Maybe the speech in Team America isn't so far off: "We're dicks! We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the UN are pussies. And Kim Jong Il is an asshole. Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything." Maybe in this world of pussies and assholes, the world needs a big dick like us to keep things in order.
Other news, I met an interesting character, a student from Harvard. The kid is like 4 feet tall and the first thing we talked about is how he is moving out of his home stay and into an apartment. When I asked him why he said,
-"Oh, you know. It's just like there's always a family and it's hard to bring home bitches to fuck when there's a family around."
-"You fuck a lot of bitches?" I asked increduously
-"Well ya, but I just got out of a long relationship, you know"
I've never been more sure that someone was lying to me than at this point. This kid is tiny and carries himself in that ambiguous way were your not sure if they are gay or not. Yet, his desire to fit in and be cool led him to dumb down his speech and tell lies so as to appear cool. Dude, props you're going to Harvard, but you have got to tone it down a notch.
This post hasn't made any reference to anything I have done in Argentina, which was the original intention of creating a blog. I guess I'm just another one of those bloggers plugging their opinion on the rest of the world because we think they're interested in the shit we have to say. Oh well. More later, and I'll actually write something about what I've been up to. And remember, if you disagree with me, it's probably because you're wrong. Totally kidding... but seriously.


MZ said…
Wait, so you're saying that those Argentines don't blame North Korea for the Korean War??? BLASPHEMY!!! Seriously though, I've never heard the events preceding the Korean War described quite like that before, and you're unlikely to hear it told like that anywhere within 500 miles of the US's borders. This is one of those gems of "different perspective" that you're supposed to get from studying abroad.

I guess the lesson to be learned from Harvard boy is that everyone's got strengths in some places that are counterbalanced by weaknesses elsewhere.

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