2 days
Here it is two days ago. I still haven't packed a single thing or made any significant steps toward preparing myself besides hostel reservations. I'm giving the frat one last Hurah tonight... drinking may or may not be involved but don't worry mom. My stay in B.A. will begin in San Telmo which is about 6 blocks south of La Plaza de Mayo and about 4 blocks north of Plaza Dorrego. An old high school friend who coincidentally happens to be down there now doing a program at the same university as I has graciously invited me to a party my first night down there. I get there at 8 a.m. so I should be settled in by then. Everything I have read says that Argentina is cheap, cheap, cheap. We're talking $4 dollar premium steaks, $11/night accomadations, and so forth. Man, the theme for the party tonight is Halloween, I don't really know what I'm supposed to do with that. I imagine tomorrow will be hectic as I will reap the fruits of procrastination manifested as no free time. Let's see, first priority is to cure hang over, next pack up my frat room, drive home, unpack, repack backback... eh, I'll figure it out. Well then, more from Argentina I guess, well I might write again... who knows... suspense And if I have to sit next to another god damn crying baby on the plane I swear to GOD