The Heavier Side

At times be a solo traveler is fairly difficult. Ya, you go to new places and meet some interesting characters, but you’re never in a fixed place and you never have a good friend to share things with. You build short very intimate relationships with other solo travelers out of necessity, but every 4 days or so you move on your own separate paths and you are once again alone. There’s something to be said to have common memories with someone: inside jokes, reminiscing, “Remember that time when.” But when traveling alone you don’t get that. When I was in Mendoza I built a pretty close knit community of friends like I said, out of necessity. Keith and I happened to be in the same hostel for the exact same time frame, we saw sights together, shared food, drank, but then inevitably after 4 days we parted and will likely never see each other again. That’s the nature of meeting people from all over the globe; it is very likely that you will never again cross paths. Oh well, sorry for getting deep but it’s something that often gets forgotten and pushed aside because you often just remember the good times and conveniently forget the gritty details. Rosy retrospection. Well now I’m in a new place and I need to meet some new people and start the process over again. P.S. I wrote this like 8 hours ago but couldn't post it, just to put your minds at ease I've already met a bunch of people again so I'll be good.


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