Dia de descanso

Well, i heeded my mother's advice and took the day off. Running around all day and drinking all night can take it's toll on the body. I purchased a cell phone today, it cost me about $50 and has a one year warranty. The Argentina is up in arms today, there are actually two different political protests today and all of the main streets are filled with angry Argentineans banging drums, waving flags, lighting off fireworks, and yelling. I'm keeping my distance. It's quite a sight though compared to America where everyone is mostly apathetic the citizens here are passionate and keep their government in check, as they should. I findly got my lap top up and running after searching endlessly to find an american adapter plug, it ended up costing about 3 pesos or 1 dollar compared to the one I say in SEA TAC for $37. Good bargain I think. The new hostel (Milhouse) is much better than the last one as there is a common area and ton's of people around constantly. Alright, you guys need to keep me updated too, see ya later.


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