
Alright I'm here, it already seems like some much stuff has happened but I will try to run it back. First on the plane to Atlanta there was this trivia game where everyone on the plane that wanted to could compete against each other. You could make up your own name and it said you're score and where you were sitting. There was a passenger named "Grieg" who was the Ken Jennings of Delta 101's service to Atlanta. After he had cleaned up two rounds in a row I took it upon myself to deface him. I made my name "Gregsux" (the letters were limited). Anyway, two rounds later Grieg took first and Gregsux took second. He didn't play again. That's what happens Grieg, that's what happens.
Ok to the things that matter. Getting to my hostel was a sinch. I checked in at around 10 am and was walking about by 11. I got some lunch and mostly just explored trying desperately not to be obviously a tourist even though my blond hair is a dead give away. At 4 I left for my friends host family's house which turned out to be an adventure. A subway, to a train, to another train, to walking. Took me about 2.5 hours and I had to ask 13 people for directions but it was fun. The family is AWESOME. It's unbelievable to sit and listen to a family going about their business in a different language and they all wanted to know about me... in Spanish, or castellano, no es espanol. Also, the double "ll" is more of a "j". Me jamo Taylor. Ajer, tortija(tortilla), y cosas asi. I got there around 6:30. At 10:30 dinner started. We left the house to go out around 12. The taxi's, se llaman "remises", are crazy, well all traffic is crazy. The whole night I met all of my friend's new friends from the Universidad de San Andres, some where from UW, other Havard, and then of course the locals. We went to a club at around 1:30 and stayed till 4:00. A pretty good night I though, but then I was informed we were going to the next club. So I partied there until 6:30 a.m. I was going back to my hostel so I had to take a remis, but what I didn't know is that if you are a guy traveling alone you are on the lowest peg of the taxi hierarchy of picking up. It actually worked out though because I talked with a local guy for about an hour until we finally got picked up. I arrived at my hostel at 7:30 a.m. and fell immediately asleep after having no solid sleep in about 30 hours. I woke up at 10:30 am for breakfeast and came to a BBQ, (parrilla), at the host family's house again. We get along really well and hope they invite me back. I'm just about to go back to the hostel to sleep and then I'm going to go out with some Irish girls I met this morning. When describing the size of the hostel rooms they said, "Ya, you can hardly swing a cat in there." I'm not totally sure what this means but it's awesome. Another cold winter day of 70's in B.A. I don't get it. More to come pero 'toy cansado. Adios.


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