New PR

Well I set a new personal best today. Technically two personal bests but they really go together. 1) I went to bed at 830 in the morning after I had already had breakfeast for the next day (it was already light outside
2) I woke up at 6 pm from the night before
After I got back from the Parrilla, me and two Irish girls I met went out for dinner. It was a really fancy place and I had milanesa (breaded meat) and we had a bottle of wine and the bill came out to less than $30 total for all of us. We then made our way to a Irish bar where the only two Irish people were the girls I was with. We got drunk, made Argentinean friends and ended up on a docked sailboat with our two new friends. Everything here just seems kind of unbelievable. I think I´m going to take it a bit easier tonight. I change hostels tomorrrow, the one I am in now is called TelmoTango and it is really nice but there is never anybody around. Alright, I´m really hungry so more later. Later.


mom said…
Well Taylor. It looks like you have thrown caution to the wind. Remember you have six months to experience B.A. You don't have to do it all in a, without sleep.
Is all of your socializing in Spanish?
Peter Sloane said…


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