Bill Dungs Roman

Normally I have thought about what I want to say for my blog ahead of time so that its more interesting. Not this time, that's right I'm free styling. So watch out. Today I had basketball practice at 3:30, so I left around 2:15, it took me about an hour to get there. At 3:27, or three minutes before practice was meant to begin, I received a text message from the coach saying that practice was moved to Tuesday. Sweet, thanks coach. Thanks for the advance notice on that one. Way to look out. Maybe I deserved it though, because on Friday I arrived to practice 45 minutes late with two liters of beer in a bag with me. This can be reasonably explained however; the train from soccer practice was delayed 40 minutes and I had to buy beer before basketball practice for the party I was going to later that night because the shops would have been closed after practice. Still, showing up halfway through practice with a bag of beer never looks good even with an airtight and well reasoned argument.
Soccer Update:
Did anyone see Arsenal play La Boca? La Boca is one of the two best teams in Argentina and I saw the game when I was in the train station but I couldn't watch it. We finally started playing 11 v 11 soccer instead of the 7 v 7 crap that we had before. The Argentinean style of play is notably different. First off, defensive organization is absolute crap. The outside defenders will get sucked out way too far, they'll go on runs and don't come back, and are generally just wandering spirits. Secondly the midfielders don't get back on defense enough so the other team ends up getting tons of time in the middle on counter attacks between the defenders and mid-fielders which forces one of the center backs to step up, and creates huge holes in the defense. I was playing center back and it was difficult to solve the aforementioned problems because I couldn't give the directions I wanted to give fast enough in the correct language, and even if I had, I don't know if they would have obliged because they are used to their style of play and I still don't have any "street cred". I'm told they are missing two center backs so perhaps I will get the spot along with another exchange student from France. We both have a huge size advantage on the Argentineans and we could probably clean up the defensive structure once we learned a couple key terms and gain some respect on the team. So we'll see.
Ok back to the party. The party that night happened to be at the legendary fire pole apartment. They thought it be cool to throw a cheese themed party, and they bought a bunch of assorted cheeses. Turns out cheese themed parties aren't that cool. After I ate some cheese, drank some beer, and used the fire pole, I left for another better party a few blocks away that was much better which brings me to my next point. Argentina has perfected recycling. It works like this:
Step 1: Everyone mixes garbage and recycling together in one bag for convenience and places it outside there homes in the street by no later than 9 pm.
Step 2: An army of homeless people tear the bags open and take anything that is recyclable away in their large wooden carts between 9 p.m. and midnight. They take the recyclabes to the deposit center for payment in pesos
Step 3: City workers come by with brooms and garbage trucks and clean up the mess that the bums made
Step 4: Repeat
It's simply brilliant. It employees homeless people, regular people don't have to waste their time sorting out recycling, and it's effective.
Life is more routine and to be honest and I haven't had any of my usual earth shattering epiphanies lately, but I'll let you know. Ok, short post, keep it classy.


MZ said…
Here's the link to the Arsenal game.
MZ said…
If that doesn't work, try this:
MZ said…
Wait, the second one is Man U vs Newcastle United.

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