Most Googled Terms

I for some random reason and wondered what the most googled terms were in the world. Here are the results: the data happens to be from 2006
  1. bebo (some kind of social networking site)
  2. myspace
  3. world cup
  4. metacafe (some kind of youtube knock off)
  5. radioblog
  6. wikipedia
  7. video
  8. rebelde (don't know)
  9. mininova(a site to illegally download things)
  10. wiki
In fact, the results are not at all interesting; however, please note the close runner up's, at 12th was "free porn", 15th was "North River County 8th Grade Science Fair," and 26th was ironically "Most Googled Terms." Way to go wikipedia holding down the 6th and 10th slot.
So my classes may prove to be difficult. I have three large course packs that are a collection of photocopied texts in both English and Spanish. All in all there is about a 1,000 pages of text I need to read, with two pages photocopied per page. By Tuesday (Monday is a holiday), I have to read for my Contemporary International Relations class from Napolonic Europe, up to the end of the first Cold War. That's a lot of history in one weekend. Anyway, I guess I'll have to do that. I'm not really looking forward to the gauntlet 150 page section written about the Russian Revolution in Spanish. So school is going. My first real week went smoothly and it's straight forward enough. I'm sure there are things I may miss in lecture but hopefully I can pick them up in the readings and slideshows online. On Tuesday I had to go to the Immigrations office to get my student visa. I had to be at the office at 7:30 a.m. After 5 hours or beurocracy I emmerged a bruised, broken spirit with 200 pesos less. This also was technically unnecessary because I could have gone to Uruguay half way throught the semester to renew my 90 day tourist visa, but the program director wanted it by the book. Also, I was looking into the courses I'd like to take and if I want to do Accounting and Finance it is going to be one quarter extra because I have to get to 225 credits to take the CPA.
Can someone please update me on the Olympics or help me find a place to watch it online because the only thing I know is that Felps is some sort of genetic hybrid fish-man, and that the only medal Argentina has is a bronze in female Tae-kwon-do. I tried NBC's website and they told me that I had to be in the United States to watch it.
My roommates left for Iguazu Falls today because it's an extended weekend so I be holding up shop at the apartment for 4 days or so. I decided not to go for a variety of reasons: among them, I'm not vaccinated against the yellow fever, I can't go into Brasil (which is what they plan on doing), a 16 hour bus ride, and I'm lazy. The Brazil thing is rather curious. Western Europeans have no problem getting into Brazil, simply a passport will suffice, but us Yankees have to go through the arduous process of a visa, the same process in fact that a Brazilian would have to go through to come to the US. I looked into it online and it is painstaking and expensive. I wonder why Brazil would impose such a rule when it likely has a huge dampening effect on tourism. So I don't know. Alright that's all, tomorrow soccer and basquet by day and probably a boliche by night.


MZ said…
Go to to watch every Olympic event. It's in Chinese, and in order to watch some of the events you have to download a plugin. But it's well worth it (everything is live though, so you may have to get up at odd hours/etc).

Argentina is kicking some ass in soccer though. Messi is so good that he should be illegal. Ronaldinho is also back in spectacular form. The US got eliminated in the group stage and will not participate in the quarterfinals.

Michael Phelps has 7 gold medals, and he won the last event (100m butterfly) by .01 s. Tonight (Beijing time) is the 100m final, and I'll update you on who wins that.

Otherwise, China is leading the gold medal standing (an example of American propaganda - since China is expected to win the gold medal count this year, the US decided to rank countries by overall count, in which the US is still expected to be tops. The rest of the world ranks countries by number of golds) by 11 as of 11:02 AM, Aug 16 Beijing Time.
taylor said…
dude, i am so lost on zhib08. everything is in chinese characters and i have no idea how to navigate the site. i clicked on some of the links but i was just getting regular tv with chinese subtitles. I haven't seen Messi but the Argentineans were stoked that Kobe Bryant went to go see him play. If Phelps were a country it would be like 1.China 2.US 3.Phelps, kind of absurd. Of course the US is going to spin it to make themselves look better, every country does that (China included). I really want to watch the competitive badminton because to me its such a casual sport it seems absurd to play it competitively. later.
taylor said…
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taylor said…
"We're sorry,currently our video library can only be streamed within the Chinese mainland and Macao,For more information on UUSee's international availability,click here.(" GODDAMIT!!!! If I can't illegally stream video from China then I know I'm really fucked. I'll never get to watch the Olympics.

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